The nursery

About now you have found the nursery we have done some changes now that we give free will to 
Queens that they can order there kits!

All what must be done is post an comment below:

Comment style:
Number of kits: (not more then 6 kits)
Names of kits: ( please give names by number e.g 1. Sand kit 2.ashkit)
Apprencen of kits: (please post an URL of the kits by number or describe them each with full detail)
Where do want your kits to be with you: (there are places where can put your kits mouth and floor next to you you can only put one kit in your mouth)

Thank you

~WC RPB Team


  1. even though im leader i'd like to have kits. could i have both? both laying at my feet.
    i'd like to name the brown one shrewkit and the silver girl windkit

  2. Can I have 3? The brown, calico, and black.
    The brown one- Swiftkit. The calico- Shadekit. The black one- Rosekit.
    I'd like Shadekit to be in my mouth and the others at my feet.

  3. Oh... The message above was from Autumncry me! -_- hehe sorry!

  4. Can I have the kits please? :) Shadekit- colored girl; Swiftkit- brown tom; Rosekit- black girl.
    Shadekit- in my mouth
    Swiftkit- by my feet
    Rosekit- by my feet

    ~ Autumncry

  5. Can I have the dark black one, I love dark black. I am a medicine cat, but many medicine cats have seceretly had kits.

  6. sorry but pls tell us your clan and name?
